Sunday, January 8, 2012

Reorganizing underway

With my sister moving back home (job market sucks, y'all), we decided I would take over the mostly unused living room as my new sewing room. Sounds good in theory, but it gets really damp up here (kitchen+washer/dryer nearby) & it's hot in the summer :/ Going to try and make it work as much as possible.

With the move, obviously I had to relocate EVERYTHING. fabric. books. yarn. storage. I have a lot of all of the above! Also needing room-Kaden. My sister's dog & cat moving in has been rough on the lil bugger. So far, this is mostly an "other pet free" zone-I hope eventually he'll get along with at least Bobby (the cat). Kaden's food, water, toys, cat tree are in here, so that's extra stuff to work around. He spends most of my waking hours in here, so I need to make him comfortable.
The point of this post-to celebrate the new year, I'm going to try and list all WIPs that need to be worked on or scrapped. Going to separate by flimsies, blocks that just need to be set together, pieces that still need sewing into blocks. The list will be VERY long & frightening. If I can end up with a stack of flimsies, I'll be excited. Honestly, the actual quilting process bores me-I'm all about the piecing! But I'm sure a few can be big stitched or done like Patty's quilt where part of the quilting happens in construction.

So, if anyone is paying attention to my rambles, I'm going to start making lists as I uncover and rearrange projects. I know I have 18-20 in photo boxes in various stages of construction, 1 box that's 12x12 has 3 in there? Then there are the baggies that will hop in a new tote just to keep them all together. I'm looking at 30-40 projects...*faints*


  1. 30-40 projects? That's not bad. Just make a list and get going and you'll be surprised how fast you can finish them!

  2. Ahhhhhh New Years....I hope you can get those UFO's under control.......sometimes they aren't worth finishing. Donate them to a guild and let someone else have fun with them and you go start something else more fun! I figured this was easier than beating myself up for having fun starting a new project but then losing interest.
    Besides I finish plenty of stuff just not everything :0)

    Happy Sewing, good luck with the new living arrangements.
